الأربعاء، 9 مايو 2012

Types of Relief Sculpture

Types of  Relief Sculpture

There are 3 basic types of relief  :  low relief or (bas-relief) ,  where the sculpture projects partly from the background surface the image is with a shallow overall depth, for example used on coins. High relief or (alto-releif) where the sculpture projects at least half or more of its natural circuit  from the background and may sometimes be detashed fom the ground.  sunken relief or (intaglio relief), where the carving is sunk below the level of the surrounding surface and is contained within a sharpely incised boundry line that frames it with a powerful line of shadow. This kind of carving  is found exclusively in ancient Egyptian art. Some sculptors use a kind of relief called middle-relief (mezzo-relievo) it’s a style inbetween low and high relief.

History of Relief Sculpture

Development of releif sculpture feature between pictorial and sculptural dominance.  Greek art, reliefs are more like sculptures than they are pictures.  Pictures accupy space which is defined by the solid forms of the figures themselves and is limited by the background plane. This plane backgroun is to form a limited  incomprehensible barriers.

Ancient Relief Sculpture

During the civilizations of the Ancient World (c.3,500-600 BCE), reliefs were commonly seen on the surfaces of stone buildings in ancient Egypt, Assyria and other Middle Eastern cultures. Egyptian sculptors used sunken relief. High reliefs did not become common until Classical Antiquity (c.500 BCE onwards), when Ancient Greek sculptors began to explore the genre more .  Relief sculptures were prominent in the sarcophagi of Roman art during the 2nd and 3rd centuries. During the period 600-1100, abstract reliefs appeared in numerous cultures around the world, as disparate as the Mixtec culture in Mexico, the Norse/Viking culture and Islamic environments across the Middle East.

Medieval Relief Sculpture

In Europe during the period 1000-1400, cultural expansion was largely in the form of architecture, its noticed by the buildings churches Although statuary was a feature of this religious art, the main emphasis was on relief sculpture, as exemplified by the wonderful reliefs which decorate the portals (tympana) of Romanesque cathedrals in France, Germany, England and other countries. The Gothic period maintained this tradition though Gothic sculptors typically preferred a higher relief .

The Renaissance Onwards

The Italian Renaissance (c.1400-1600) brought a noticeable change, as illustrated by the famous bronze doors that Lorenzo Ghiberti made for the Baptistry of Florence Cathedral. In order to exploit the full potential for perspective, figures in the foreground of the composition were done in high relief, making them appear close at hand, while background features were done in low relief, thus depicting distance. In his sculpture, Donatello further developed this approach by adding textural contrasts between rough and smooth surfaces. Thus in general Renaissance relief sculptors tended to make maximum use of the pictorial possibilities of the 2-D background, although there were exceptions. Baroque relief sculptors further developed the pictorial approach used inRenaissance art, often on a very large scale. Sometimes their large relief compositions actually became a kind of painting in marble, as exemplified by Ecstasy of Santa Theresa by Bernini, which included figures carved almost fully in the round but encased in a marble altar.

 A few nineteenth century sculptors, like Antonio Canova and Bertel Thorvaldsen temporarily revived the use of low reliefs in pursuit of what they saw as classical  purity, but on the whole the Renaissance concept of "pictorial-style" relief prevailed, reaching a high point in the work of Francois Rude (Arc de Triomph) and Auguste Rodin (Gates of Hell). Perhaps the greatest and most famous relief sculpture of the 20th century is the Mount Rushmore National Memorial (1927-41), produced under Gutzon Borglum. This unique work features high relief granite portraits of American Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt.

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